Containers of Uncertain Ancestry
A juried exhibit of
lidded ceramic containers made in the
shape of combined
human/animal forms.
Soulard Art Market, January
12 – 25, 2014
Humenagerie is open to
all high school and community college students in the Metro St. Louis area, and
beyond. All work must be clay. There is no size limit, big or small, for submissions. All standing pieces should be lidded. We encourage you
to submit wall-hanging work, such as lamps or bird houses. There will be a
special prize for the best piece of wall-hanging work. Wall hanging work, while
it must be functional, does not need to be lidded to be considered.
Cash prizes for first, second, and third place will be donated by Krueger Pottery
Cash prizes for first, second, and third place will be donated by Krueger Pottery
Submission of work is by jpg. There is no submission fee, but a $5.00 acceptance fee will be charged upon acceptance. All submissions are due to by midnight, Sunday, December 15,
2013. To submit your work,
email at least two views of each entry to:
Number and title each jpg. The title of the jpg
should be your name, followed by the number, for example: billperry1.jpg. Please accompany each
entry with a brief email description of the piece. Include the title of the jpg.,
the title of the artwork itself, the medium (eg: stoneware, acrylic glazed
earthenware, etc.), height, width, and depth.
Entries must be received
by midnight, Sunday, December 15.